About us
Envelope Group Mfg (EG) has been in business since 2007
And the management team has worked together for over 20 years in the United States, China and Mexico.
EG is an importer of fashion apparel, uniforms, domestics, hard goods, and commercial electronics.
Sewing and cutting factory with the the companies main development team located in same facility. EG is a one-stop service for the Customer providing design, production, and delivery through land, air and sea.

Puebla, Mexico
EG Puebla Breakthrough Design and Manufacturing SA de CV
The full service factory in Mexico specializes in apparel, uniforms, soft goods in general, ASI items and pet.
The team can manage mass runs depending on the economics to the Customer, but most importantly provide rapid response production for new introductions, samples, tests, and broken sizes.
This facility features sublimation and embroidery in house for rapid response shipping for uniforms and ASI items. A key attribute of the facility is it location, providing a skilled and economical workforce and transit to Chicago in five (5) days by common carrier at a fraction of the cost of airfare from Asia.
With weekly shipping EG has low cost option FOB Lerado and we can package and ship direct to stores by carrier or express services.
Ningbo, China
EG Ningbo Breakthrough Trading LTD
The full service facility in Ningbo China specializes in apparel, uniforms, soft goods in general, hard goods, ASI items and commercial electronics.
This trading office specializes in financing and manufacturing large runs and a wide selection of sourcing options with compliant factories for many categories.
Apparel, uniforms, hardware, mechanical assemblies, electronics (IOT) and a wide range of goods are developed, designed, engineered and quality controlled by company employed teams of QC technicians and an engineer.
A key asset of this facility is its General Manager who is American and resides 24/7 in Ningbo, China. EG Ningbo offers FOB as well as DDP terms.

Dhaka, Bangladesh
EG Manufacturing DB TLD
Our second largest operation, in terms of company employees.
Our office specializes in apparel, uniforms, hats and other soft goods.
Using both domestic and imported fabrics the facility has a wide range of capabilities supporting mass merchandise and fashion outlets.
This facility is managed by an American who is in the country eleven months of the year, ensuring quality, delivery, value and succinct communications.
Finished goods pricing can be FOB or DDP.
Los Angeles, USA
Envelope Group Mfg
EG Los Angeles provides accounting, international and domestic logistics and supplements the Customer Service functions found in both China and Mexico.
EG enters sales agreements with USA and European customers for a singular event of unique fashions goods or continuing production of commodity goods.
We manufacture in Asia and Mexico and deliver these overseas products to the customer’s door.
The customer’s places orders with EG in the United States, who in turn places orders with China through the company Breakthrough Trading in China, or to our Mexican division, B&D Manufacturing in Mexico.
EG is responsible for all financing of COGs not covered by deposits and importation.